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The Aura Orbs
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Introducing, The Aura Orbs ✨
The new birth revolutionising tool, named so because they will literally transform your Aura during birth contractions. Providing the ultimate distraction, leaving you feeling in control & empowered.
It’s not magic, it’s science. The gate control theory, acupressure & the stimulation of natural pain relieving endorphins power this incredible tool.
Simply squeeze our natural, wooden, spiky orbs during contractions & release in between. Transferring the sensations of birth as they build, to the orbs.
They are the ultimate birthing companion, everyone needs in their birth bag.
Let these little beauties continue to do their work well beyond your birth too, ideal for medical treatments, tattoos, period pain or any time you need to redirect pain & discomfort.

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I used the orbs throughout labour and found them such an amazing way to divert my focus
Love that you can use them in the hand or as massage balls!
I am a birth doula and I always have them in my bad and my clients love them
I found them excellent for the birth of my little boy. I used them more than any other tool I had.
These orbs are amazing! They helped me through 12 hours of contractions, a really excellent tool to distract yourself from the intensity of labour.
Just wanted to say I am so excited to try out the Aura Orbs in birth. I’m currently 36 weeks pregnant and honestly didn’t think they would come in handy until I was actually in labour. However after you told me all the ways I could use the balls, my partner has been using them to massage my lower back and it’s been giving me such relief. I can’t wait to use them for massages in birth as well as holding in my hands to help me cope with contractions.. I’m looking forward to updating you on how I get on with them, but just wanted to let you know how handy they have already been!
I finally gave birth to my beautiful baby boy yesterday 5 days overdue. I used the aura balls from as soon as my surges started to near the end. I didn’t quite get the birth I had planned…BUT, they were definitely a huge reason for why I managed the pain so well and I’ll be telling anyone who’s pregnant to get some for birth! Thank you xx
Incredible, so much so used them until I gave birth in the car!!